Kevin J.S. Zollman
About Kevin Zollman
Research Overview
Popular audiences
Popular Writing
The Game Theorist's Guide to Parenting
Press coverage
Short courses
The concept of "signal" in biological and social sciences
University of Pennsylvania MindCORE group
Epistemic Social Dilemmas
Simon Frazier University, Vancouver, Canada and the Workshop on rationality, logic, and decisions, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Ethics, Uncertainty, and the Benefits of Scientific Diversity
Center for the Study of Bioethics, Belgrade, Serbia and Philosophy of Science Association Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia
The Credit Economy and the Economic Rationality of Science
University of California, Irvine and Columbia Workshop on Group Agency and Social Epistemology, New York, New York
Dilemmas in choosing experiments
Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation Workshop, Belgrade, Serbia
The theory of games as a tool for the social epistemologist
Formal Approaches to Social Epistemology, Bristol, UK and Decisions, Games, and Logic, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Kantian decision making under uncertainty
Formal Epistemology Workshop, Groningen, the Netherlands
Social networks, learning, and bandit problems
LogiCIC Workshop: Reasoning in a Social Context
The credit economy and the economic rationality of science
Society for Exact Philosophy, Hamilton, Canada and Congress for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Helsinki Finland
Two dilemmas for deliberative groups
Sawyer Seminar: Epistemic Value of Group Deliberation, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
The Evolution of Costly Signaling
Correlated Information Change, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
The Handicap Principle is an Artifact
Philosophy of Science Associate Conference, held in Chicago, IL
The Credit Economy and the Economic Rationality of Science
Rationality and Philosophy, held at Vanderbilt University
Computer simulation as a tool for the philosopher
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
The formation of epistemic networks
University of Groningen and the University of Bayreuth
A systems-oriented approach to the problem of testimony
Heinrich-Heine University in Dusseldorf and the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Conservativism and the Scientific State of Nature
Society for Exact Philosophy conference in Montreal and at the conference "Choosing the future of science" held in Pittsburgh, PA
Understanding the reward system of science: An economic approach
American Associate for the Advancement of Science in Boston, MA and at the Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science, Pittsburgh, PA
The Pygmalion game: The border between signals and indices
Social Dynamics Workshop in Irvine, CA
Cheaper-than-costly signaling
Presentation at the Philosophy of Science Association Meeting in San Diego, CA
Methodology in Biological Game Theory
Presentation at the Society for Exact Philosophy in Columbus, OH
A Systems-Oriented Approach to the Problem of Testimony
Presentation at the Frontiers of Rationality and Decision Conference in Gronigen, The Netherlands
The Evolution of Directives and Assertions
Presentation at the Signaling and Meaning workshop at CUNY in New York, NY
Understanding the Reward System of Science
Presented at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, PA
About Kevin Zollman
Research Overview
Popular audiences
Popular Writing
The Game Theorist's Guide to Parenting
Press coverage
Short courses